Thursday, March 19, 2009

IKEA Is Coming To Town!

I'm sorry I've been absent for so long. I have been a busy bee studying for my Engineering licensing exam and I tell you, it is no joke! But I am back for a brief moment to share some great news with you.

As a former New Yorker, I truly appreciate the meaning of IKEA. This warehouse/interior design-for-everyday-life paradise was a fabulous tool when it came to decorating my Bronx appartment as a recent graduate. I longed for a chic environment to host my dinner/dance parties but lacked the senior level salary to go to Pottery Barn or West Elm, so a trip to IKEA was a must. I would call a friend with a car to the rescue and go on a road trip to New Jersey, to our closest IKEA store. I'd then proceed to unload all my new belongings, and drag them up the five flights of stairs (that is correct, walking up the stairs was not an option but a necessity since the building doesn't have an elevator). At this time I'd like to thank all my generous friends for helping me in such labor intense tasks.

However, once I moved to Florida I realized I had no access to any IKEAs in the area! The closest one was a long car ride to Texas! I was bummed out but have managed so far. And now those days are gone since there are tons of IKEAs opening up around me. The closest will be the store located in Tampa, which opens this May, 2009!

And I am already armed with a shopping list. Ever since we bought our house we've been throwing ideas of things to do and projects to complete, but haven't really accomplished much. One of my project ideas is to re-do our office/den so it's more appealing to the eye yet maintaining its practicality. It is a small room so I don't want to over furnish it.
If I were to take on this project today and complete it only with items from IKEA this is what you would find in my shopping cart:

All images via IKEA

The Groom and I want to paint the room in a tan color - maybe as a reminder of the perfect cafe con leche. We really want a navy blue sofa, which is a lot harder to find than you think. Then add some dark, clean cut furniture and some white accents.

IKEA here we come!

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