Friday, March 27, 2009

Our Journey: Part III

After our summer love matured, the day when we had to part came along. After all, I was a foreign exchange student and my family was waiting for me back home (Venezuela). Anxiety kept creeping up as D-Day got closer. I had made wonderful friends throughout the year, my host-family was amazing and I had found love! I had such mixed feelings about the whole thing. On one hand, I would be leaving a place full of great memories, and on the other I'd be reunited with my family and friends, whom I'd missed all year long.

The tradition was that all the exchange students, along with their host-families and friends would get together at the local high school and wait for "the bus" that would take the exchange students to the airport. I have to say that waiting for that bus was like Chinese torture.

As the bus arrived I remember a chill running through my body. The Groom and I had no idea when we would be able to see each other again! And like every teenager, we thought we had found our life-mate during our senior year of high school. Lucky for us, this was true.

The luggage was loaded, the headcount checked, goodbyes were said. And off we were. And yes, The Groom ran after the bus. He would then be known amongst my friends as "the one who ran after the bus."

Less than a year later, I was back in The States to continue my education. With distance out of our way we continued dating. I had found my soul mate, but we weren't ready to be together just yet. We were so young and made so many mistakes. Eventually we each went our own ways.

It wasn't until eight years later that my host-mother received a call from some high school friend asking for me. Not much information was exchanged, so I had no way to get back in touch with him. As soon as I learned this my heart skipped a beat. I thought "wow... that was so long ago!" and I embarked in a quest to find him. And I did! Via Google of all places! I simply typed his first and last name and voila! There he was, with his big smile staring back at me. I had found him through his company website. It was a Sunday, so I knew he wouldn't be at work but I called the number on the screen anyway. It was so comforting to hear his voice again. I left him a message with my contact information and thus began the rest of our lives.

After some reacquainting, some courting and a great romance, we were engaged to be married! And the wonderful Punam was there to document it:

Engagement Session by Punam Bean

Photograph by Punam Bean

And so started the Wedding Planning!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

IKEA Is Coming To Town!

I'm sorry I've been absent for so long. I have been a busy bee studying for my Engineering licensing exam and I tell you, it is no joke! But I am back for a brief moment to share some great news with you.

As a former New Yorker, I truly appreciate the meaning of IKEA. This warehouse/interior design-for-everyday-life paradise was a fabulous tool when it came to decorating my Bronx appartment as a recent graduate. I longed for a chic environment to host my dinner/dance parties but lacked the senior level salary to go to Pottery Barn or West Elm, so a trip to IKEA was a must. I would call a friend with a car to the rescue and go on a road trip to New Jersey, to our closest IKEA store. I'd then proceed to unload all my new belongings, and drag them up the five flights of stairs (that is correct, walking up the stairs was not an option but a necessity since the building doesn't have an elevator). At this time I'd like to thank all my generous friends for helping me in such labor intense tasks.

However, once I moved to Florida I realized I had no access to any IKEAs in the area! The closest one was a long car ride to Texas! I was bummed out but have managed so far. And now those days are gone since there are tons of IKEAs opening up around me. The closest will be the store located in Tampa, which opens this May, 2009!

And I am already armed with a shopping list. Ever since we bought our house we've been throwing ideas of things to do and projects to complete, but haven't really accomplished much. One of my project ideas is to re-do our office/den so it's more appealing to the eye yet maintaining its practicality. It is a small room so I don't want to over furnish it.
If I were to take on this project today and complete it only with items from IKEA this is what you would find in my shopping cart:

All images via IKEA

The Groom and I want to paint the room in a tan color - maybe as a reminder of the perfect cafe con leche. We really want a navy blue sofa, which is a lot harder to find than you think. Then add some dark, clean cut furniture and some white accents.

IKEA here we come!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Affair with Chocolate

Poster by Steff Green via Art

I promised to be true and loyal to The Groom on our wedding day. What he doesn't know is that I was crossing my fingers behind me. Shh!!! I have had a long lasting love affair with chocolate, and I'm not ready to give it up.

I have been a chocolate fiend for as long as I can remember. And all my dreams came true one day back in 1997 when I was looking for a college job. I was referred to this quaint chocolatier in Fishkill, NY, the town where I resided at the time. As you enter The Alps Sweet Shop you're grazed by the sweetness in the air. It looks like chocolate wonderland in there, full of baskets and truffles and dim lights, glass display cases full of chocolate. Mmhh!

After my interview with Sally (the owner), it was clear that it was a perfect match. They were looking for a chocolate elf and I was willing to do quality control on all their freshly made candy. Some of my best memories come from working at that lovely place. Lunch sometimes would be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which was made of a peanut butter cup, a chocolate covered jelly and a chocolate covered graham cracker. Sugar rush anybody? I'd say!

My job there was easy (and delicious I might add). How can you go wrong with chocolate? There's nothing like seeing your costumer's happy faces filled with pure pleasure once you stocked their goodie bags with their favorites. And you develope such an intimate relationship with the regulars, who come back for their Christmas presents, Easter bunnies, chocolate filled hearts for Valentine's Day, or just after a good doctor's visit.

The shop's story is actually very touching. Back in 1922, Sally's grandfather, migrated from Greece to the Hudson Valley in New York. He opened a small homemade chocolate shop, which quickly became very popular in town. The original store is still open and the squeaks and charm bring you back in time when you set foot in it. It has gone from generation to generation and it is now operated by Sally and her husband.

So if you're ever in town, do not hesitate in stopping by. I promise you will not regret it!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's My Birfday! And I will dance if I want to!

I'm usually not very egocentric. But it's been a year with lots of ups and downs and lots of change. First, The Groom lost his job two weeks before the wedding due to the local economy (which ended up being a blessing in disguise as he finished a lot of our DIY projects). He, since, has been hired back by his former employer so it all worked out in the end. Not only that, but our house has also devaluated in this market, which is a bit sad being that it's our first home and we only bought it a year ago.

But as my girlfriend would tell me, after all that, I always have love to come back to. And I definitely have a lot of that. My husband is so loving and giving and so is our little girl. This year has been a year of positive change too. The Groom and I had the most amazing wedding (sorry girls... but that's just how we all feel about our own wedding) surrounded by really great loving friends and family.

So for that, I'm celebrating my birthday today! Because I'm thankful for all the things I have accomplished and for all the love I have. Also, because The Groom just told me he has a surprise for me and I loooove surprises! (If you could see me, I'm grinning right now).

Sunday, March 1, 2009

{On Home Decor} Showroom: Marimekko

One of the great things about being involved with people from all different backgrounds is that you learn so much about the world!

After I relocated a couple of years ago I was looking for local things to do and decided to reconnect with the organization that got me here: AFS. I have met wonderful people through my local AFS Chapter and I am the liaison for one of the Foreign Exchange Students from Finland. I have learned so much about Finland so far! Including different aspects of their culture, economy and industries. Finnish have a different flair when it comes to home decoration, fashion and architecture. One of their signature lines for home decor is Marimekko. Their designs are bold and clean and look so fresh! I personally really liked these happy and colorful kitchen items:
Although they are better known for their unikko pattern (shown above), they offer different patterns and colors, like their Lumimarja line, or their Onni style. All very clean, all very unique and absolutely adorable.

So enjoy a little taste of Finland!