Tuesday, February 17, 2009

{Kids} Say The Darndest Things!

You know how they say “kids say the darndest things”? Well, they really do! We had some friends over a little while ago and we were all exchanging stories. Miss G was the only child under 10 in the room, so she was trying really hard to be “cool” and keep up with everyone there.

I was recounting a memoir of when I was a little younger than her; I was about 3 years old. It had just rained really hard in my hometown and my mom found me leaning against the balcony in our apartment crying. When she asked what was wrong I said “I'm just really sad because that tree fell down and since God is everywhere he just got squished.” My mom then proceeded to explain to me how God was everywhere but he wasn't right there when the tree fell down.

Of course all of our guests burst into laughs and I had accomplished my goal.

Well, Miss G here sees everyone laughing and she starts laughing at me hysterically, in a “oh mom... you're so silly” kind of way. The next morning as we're getting ready for school she stops in the middle of something and says to me “mom, you're so funny.” I respond “Oh, yeah? Why do you say that?” She proceeds “Well, when you were little you were crying because you thought God had gotten squished by the tree!”... silly me “I know, I know... I was silly.” And then she says “It is silly! He was probably just right behind the tree!”

At this point I had to focus really hard not to laugh. It was the cutest thing! She had this face that said “Duh! Of course He was right behind the tree!”

And it is without further ado that I present to you.... Miss G:

Miss G by Punam Bean

Photograph by Punam Bean

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